Gregory D. Smith
Gregory Dale Smith designed, outfitted, and now operates the conservation science laboratory at the Indianapolis Museum of Art since 2010. Dr. Smith’s research interests include undergraduate education at the Arts-Science interface, assessing pollution off-gassing of museum construction materials, and understanding the chemical degradation of artists’ materials. In 2018, he was selected to receive the AIC’s national award for conservation advocacy for his work in public lecturing and curating exhibitions that focus on the role of Science in the Arts.
Portrait of Marie de Guise Workshop of Corneille de Lyon, after 1537
Madonna and Child Giulio Francia, about 1515
Portrait of Frans Hals After Frans Hals, about 1650
Scene from the Legend of St. Nicholas Bicci di Lorenzo, about 1400–1410
Portrait of a Young Man Attributed to Paolo Uccello, 1430s–1450s
St. Michael and St. Amador; St. Stephen and St. Mary Magdalene Pere Vall, about 1410